Hello World
A simple blog for writing tech stuffs.
Weddings are basically funerals with cake 1
Weddings are basically funerals with cake. I mean, why would a Pop-Tart want to live inside
September 03, 20212 minsWhy are you fighting? Can’t you see you’re all the same?
Why are you fighting? Can’t you see you’re all the same? / Oh Summer, first race war, huh?. Why are you fighting? Can’t you see you’re all…
August 09, 20212 minsYou’re pretty cute, you know that?
You’re pretty cute, you know that? Why’s he gotta kick the door? Why’s he gotta kick the door? Don’t take it so personally, okay? I don’t…
July 01, 20212 minsShe shut one door! With her mind!
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June 12, 20212 minsThis is not yours to fix alone
You act like you’re all alone out there in the world, but you’re not. You’re not alone. You are such a nerd. No wonder you only hang out…
May 04, 20212 minswhy would a Pop-Tart want to live inside a toaster
I mean, why would a Pop-Tart want to live inside a toaster, Rick? I mean, that would be like the scariest place for them to live. You know…
March 12, 20212 minsWhy do we even need weapons anyway?
Why do we even need weapons anyway? We have her. Nobody normal ever accomplished anything meaningful in this world. Mouth-breather. Mornings…
March 07, 20212 minsPale Blue Dot
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March 06, 20212 minsMagnificent Desolation
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February 22, 20211 mins